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Race: Fey(Pixie)
Age: Eons unnoticing the world of change
Height: 1'0"
Weight: 3 lbs
Gender: Female

Throughout many varieties of lands, there are many varieties of the same race-fey kind in particular are greatly varied, and from one realm to the next, share fewer and fewer characteristics. This particular pixie overlooks the maturity so many other races value, it is simply of no interest. She is brimming with magical talent, litterally producing magic through her own body, rather than relying on what she may borrow like typical mages.

Physically, she appears as one might expect-like a very small elf capable of standing on the palm of a hand. Her skin holds a foresty green overtone, and her large wings are akin to that of a butterfly, large and designed by nature. She keeps her deep blue hair short, cropped in a typical pixie cut, the rest of her body is no thicker than a hand.
To the touch, her skin feels mostly like typical flesh, but with a plant-like rose petal textured overtone, providing a rich, but fragile sense to her body.

While the reds retain the general rules/scat/gore varieties, due to the physical limitations of the character, ERP would have to inherently be creative. If you don't feel up to a challenge then by all means, don't worry about making the attempt.
I'm not saying it's impossible, but without a bit of ingenuity, vanilla's prettymuch out of the loop

"Maturity is achieved when a person postpones immediate pleasures for long-term values."
- Joshua L. Liebman
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Halfling