
This man looks like he belongs in a jail cell.

    His demeanor comes off as your typical street thug. He can usually be seen with his weapons in plain-sight, hanging around dark alleyways, smoking a cigarette or enjoying a pipe with...some kind of herb in it.

His attitude comes across as sarcastic, cynical or sometimes - downright cruel. Of course, people who know him, know he usually acts this way out of sheer boredom and not because of some personal grudge.

His voice is raspy and dry-toned. Most of the time, his words come with a sort of sophistication - as if he's learned in the act of proper social-speech, though occasionally his old street-slang will slip out, usually when his mind is on work.

He moves with an agile grace - obviously he is well practiced in the art of subterfuge. When he approaches someone, especially someone he's not familiar with, it isn't uncommon to see him quickly give that person a critical gaze and move his hand not too far from his weapons. For a man to act this way, you know he's been through some shady ordeals in his life.

If someone ever catches him without his hood on, his appearance comes across much like his attitude - cool, calm and collective. Commonly, he'll be seen reacting to a dark and twisted situation with a big smirk spread across his face. This isn't to say he's never serious however. In times of planning, his demeanor will do a complete about-face; His eyes will fixate into the void as he's brewing up ideas and even an earthquake won't break his concentration.

OOC:Green Lights - Regular RP, which includes things with dark subject matter. I.E.: torture, sexual talk, etc.

Red Lights: No Erotic Roleplay, sorry. Most I'll do is -implied- ERP. For example: *takes lady to backroom to get his dick wet*. I won't go through the actual motions.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf