
Sex: Male
Name:  Scarto Argento
Height: 6'1"
Age: 21
Sexuality: Bi

Born as a horse and living as a man he came to the isle. The creature before you is a beautiful example of the common horseling around Styss. His body is coated in a short yet tight layer of pitch black fur, in the sun it almost "shines" a bit brown it often gives him a bit of trouble during warm summer days which is why he tends to reside in the shadows of a tree or the like. Being well fed and healthy it wouldn't be hard to spot his muscles and well defined shape, the short fur allows the contours and shapes of every muscle to be spotted easily. Because of his age he tends to be very playfull and full of energy, one can often see him twitch and find it hard to sit still, he enjoys the company of both men and women the like.
His body is in the shape of a human male, the only difference and resemblance can be seen below his belt where the log like thighs leads down to bent shines and a set of heavy hooves.  A long bushy tail whips about behind him, it is as dark as his fur but usually tied up with a silk band around the root of it. Another trait whoever put him in this body left is the equipment between his thick, strong thighs. The hefty sheath of a equine shaft along with fist sized fat testicles are concealed by a loincloth or in a pair of loose shorts. He prefers to keep his upper body bare though letting the fur coat keep him warm at night.
(( No reds expect perma death and excessive gore. Char welcomes both male and women and anything in between.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human