Ghuanagh d'Barri'afin

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Ghuanagh, came with his mother G'eldbreena to Sinfar, to start up a house in Underdark. "Acting" as first son of Qu'ellar d'Barri'afin. He serves his mother loyally as her bodyguard, and protector. Guanagh was surprisingly very loyal to her, for reasons unknown, and would do nothing to betray her.  

Ghuanagh is a product of a dark union between a drow priestess and glabrezu from the Dark Gift of Lolth ritual. Like other Draegloth's he's a large bipedal demonic ebony skinned creature that has white silk like fur and skin, and a dog like face, with four arms, and degraded legs. He would be eight feet tall, and about three-four hundred pounds, with sinuous yet muscular body, with great strength whilst still being agile.

Upon Ghuanagh's neck he wore a medallion with spider made of ivory on it to signify his house insignia. Below that medallion was the holy symbol of Selvetarm, inlaid in gold. He wore nothing other than the leather strap  that was used to carry his blade, and a rather large pouch.

Naughty bits:

His member would be hidden away behind his fur of his crotch and sheathe.  If one was to feel up into his hair they would feel two heavy cum filled orbs, as his groin would have the waft of the scents of his potent pheromones. When erect and fully uncovered from his sheathe his member would be a foot long canine phallus with a visible knot would be formed upon his length. His canine tip would drip of his pre-seed as well as a mucous of sorts that would act as a natural lubricant. His fiendish length however had some fiendish qualities to it.

Ghuangah was not like all other Draegloths. He was either cursed or blessed depending on the view of others. His seed would be able to impregnate anyone who he bred with regardless of any herbs his potential partner might have taken before hand due to the vile nature of his essence. In short magical protection would prevent this half fiend from impregnated any unsuspecting victim.  Another quality of his corruption is that a female's body would act more readily from the scent of his pheromones.

RP for further info, ask for lights, player is tell friendy.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Uknown