Sanguine Moonstone

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 The woman before you is abnormally tall and lean, the body of a dancer, she is softly curved though her endowments are not large nor small.  She is simply proportionate. She moves with an almost ethereal grace.  Her voice silken and yet slightly deep.  She is often quiet, though piercing dark emerald orbs watch from a heart-shaped face. Her lips are full though not pouty, partnered with a patrician nose. Long, flowing, garnet colored hair surrounds her reaching nearly to her hips.
   If you are fortunate enough to watch her perform, it is obvious she is a woman of many talents, though her craft has been well honed.  Her joy comes from the performance. There is nothing she takes more seriously than her art. To speak with her it is plain to see she is intelligent, possibly well educated. With a playful demeanor, she approaches life and those around her.

Player:Sanguine Moonstone
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human