Robyn S'erminutue-Blaney

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The Physicals:

Height: Four Feet Eleven Inches.
Weight: One Hundred Fifteen Pounds.

Hair: Bright Blonde.
Eyes: Emerald Green.


Alcar's body possesses no scars due to the fact that he chooses not to enter combat directly, but rather he chooses to blast threats from a distance.

The tone of his elven body is lithe, and slender, but lacks everything in the way of actual muscle build.


Alcar keeps his hair in a manner to seem as if his very life would depend upon it's wellbeing.  Always straightened to perfection.


While his body may be absent of any noticed scars there is one thing that would reveal itself upon his skin: Tattoos.  Alcar has an inking of a bright blue/white lightning bolt that starts around his waist, making it's way round and round up & over a shoulder.  The second would be orange & reddish flames covering the entire of his left hand.

Alcar also burns catlings & halflings as a part of his favorite past time.  He thinks this is absolutely wonderful.

Player:Cerulean Windows
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human