
A pale and beautiful woman, treading forward lightly and with the same, serpentine movements of flowing water. Her bare feet seems to produce no sound when she walks, nor does the several ornaments scattered across her person, barely tinkling and clattering, seemingly only when she wishes them to do so: golden pendants and bracers, rings, ankle bracelets made of several loops of simple thread and glass beads, necklaces of oddly shaped teeth and sinew and a number of clasps keeping her elaborate hairdo in place.

Though clearly a demon of sorts, her largely oblivious attitude seems to make up for a complete lack of slyness, perhaps enhanced by her pupilless, blindish, milky eyes, which seems to be constantly staring into distance, making it hard for anyone to discern where her focus is. She has odd traits, thin and outlandish, at times so aloof the understanding that she's made to be looked at, -not touched-, is likely to pierce the mind of the most dense of beholders.

Lights will communicated "by ear", or trough tells. Fair warning: ERP with this toon may or may not include a truckload of hurt.
Player:Bog of eternal stench
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human