Lela Mojica

Death God; Shinigami; Soul Reaper
~ Lela Mojica ~ Squad Eleven Captain

Shinigami are unearthly beings living in a world ruled by a different logic than the World of the Living. They possess high Reiryoku and a body of Reishi. They are invisible to those without spiritual powers.

When souls with exceptional spiritual energy train their bodies, they reach the level of Shinigami.The most talented of them become affiliated with various organizations like the Gotei  and the Onmitsukido. Sometimes, a potential Shinigami is born among the residents of the Rukongai, and in some rare cases from Seireitei.

Shinigami receive salaries, like workers in the Human World and also earn bounties for defeating Hollows.

Shinigami have a number of supernatural abilities:

Longevity: Shinigami do not visibly age at the same rate as Humans and tend to maintain a youthful appearance for centuries. Shinigami can live for much longer than Humans.
Enhanced Durability: While Shinigami can be injured and "die" like regular Humans, it takes considerably greater injuries to kill a Shinigami than it would to kill Humans. Decapitation is the only guaranteed method of killing a Shinigami.
Reiryoku: Shinigami naturally possess high levels of Spiritual Power,which varies greatly in magnitude with the strength of a Shinigami. The more power a Shinigami has, the sharper their movements will be. A consequence of having Spiritual Power is that unlike powerless spirits, Shinigami need to eat.
Zanpakuto: A Shinigami weapon, its shape is typically similar to a Japanese katana. Low ranking officers are issued an Asauchi sword, but high-ranking officers arm themselves with unique swords generated from their own souls. A Zanpakuto is a physical manifestation of this force concentrated into a blade. All Shinigami have a Zanpakuto, but not all of them carry one with them. Its shape differs depending on its owner.
Shikai (Initial Release) is the second form (or first "upgraded" form) available to a Zanpakuto. To activate it, the Shinigami needs to learn the name of their Zanpakuto. This is not as easy as simply picking a name, for the living spirit of the Zanpakuto already has its own name. The Shinigami must be able to communicate and harmonize with their Zanpakuto effectively, which requires being able to speak to the  spirit within its world.
  >The blade changes shape and gains special abilities by chanting a Kaigo, or release incantation. Using the Kaigo, followed by the name of the Zanpakuto, actives Shikai. It is crucial to memorize each phrase, for every Zanpakuto has a different incantation.
 >The commands vary between users and range from a simple imperative verb to a short poem. They often relate to the Zanpakuto's signature ability or hint at the nature of its spirit. This step may be bypassed by expert Shinigami who have learned how to use their Bankai. Occasionally, Shinigami who did not learn Bankai can release their Zanpakuto simply by saying its name.
>Achievement of the Shikai is a mark of control of a Zanpakuto, and it is a requirement for advancement within the Shinigami ranks, as most seated officers are capable of Shikai. It is required in order to achieve the rank of lieutenant, for it is a requirement most captains look for.
Bankai (Final Release) is the second and final upgraded form of a Zanpakuto. To achieve Bankai, one must be able to materialize and subjugate their Zanpakuto spirit. Materialization means the opposite of getting dragged into the Zanpakuto's inner world: the wielder needs to summon the Zanpakuto's spirit into the physical world. It usually takes 10 years or more to achieve, plus the experience needed to master it.
>The power and forms of Shikai and Bankai are dependent on the Zanpakuto, and vary according to the wielder's strength and training. But in general, one's power can grow 5 to 10 times greater. Only the strongest Shinigami can use it, and it is the ultimate technique of a Zanpakuto. Even the four noble families, whose members are always exceptionally talented, only have a member capable of Bankai every few generations. Those who achieve Bankai always have remarkable roles in the history of Soul Society.


Konso (Soul Burial): the process by which a Shinigami sends wandering Plus' (souls) in the Human World and send them to their respective place. Either Soul Society if they are good in life, or to Hell if their life was full of evil acts (such as murders, theft, etc.). Kons? is performed by using the hilt of the Shinigami's Zanpakuto, tapping the soul on their forehead and transporting them to the afterlife.
Hollow Cleansing: When a Shinigami slays a Hollow (evil spirit) with their Zanpakuto, they cleanse their sins. Once this takes place, a Hollow will return to its former state as a Plus and is led into Soul Society. This is called sublimation. Souls that live in Soul Society are reborn again into the Human World. Not all Hollows are sent to the Soul Society. Since Zanpakuto are only capable of cleansing sins committed after becoming a Hollow, Hollows that committed serious crimes when they were still Human are sent to Hell when they are slain.
Soul Governance: Shinigami are responsible for governing the flow of spirits between the Human World and Soul Society. This is commonly carried out by balancing the total number of souls by moving and managing them in the Human world. All of the soul-related jobs are under their authority.

Lights: This char has no lights minus rule breaking potty or kids play. (holds right to divert rp from any extreme SHINANIGAINS!) Player is very tell friendly.

More bio to come for those who give a shit!
Player:MoD Rp Delight
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human