
Lynessa at first appears a sweet & innocent sister of Faith. That is not to say she is dim-witted callow youth, nor austere in any manner - her personality is undercut with a subtle sense of humor that is willing to make fun of herself and a clear moral compass. She is devout, yet simultaneously feels an outsider even within her own faith. This is due to the two driving forces in her life - the borderline heretic certainty that she has heard her deity speak to her, & her past, which she tries to redeem by contemporary noble acts.

In a land known for its opulence & hedonism, Lynessa acted for many years as a spy. Her talents lay in subterfuge, assassination & sabotage. The political skullduggery was a second nature to her & she had honed herself into a highly valued individual. Innocence was not a defining feature of her past. Events, which she does not easily disclose, no more than she does her upbringing itself, resulted in Lynessa fleeing the life she knew. It was a time of doubt, guilt & self-search that ultimately led her to the Faith. Years of intrigue were replaced by years of simple monastery duties. Killing was exchanged for cleaning, drinking for reading. Lynessa wanted to start anew, & the temple offered her that opportunity. Not prying into the past of any of its members, Lynessa experienced true anonymity. None there knew of her past, no more than she did of theirs. It was a humble life of healing & meditation that she was content with. For a time.

No one could excel at anything without truly loving it, to a degree. Lynessa was a remarkable bravo because there was a part of her that relished it. As time passed peculiar urges resurfaced - to use her body, to travel the worldÂ… The thrill of danger, while subtle, was an addictive magic. She left the temple.

Tempered by virtues acquired in her time of religious study, Lynessa's impulses were no longer free of moral considerations. When she departed the monastery that was her life for years, it was with the desire to direct her various skills to a righteous goal. She is not a woman defined solely by any one parcel of her personality: her faith, past, passions, vanity & humility are one large mass that don't try to distinguish themselves as supreme. This intrepid adventurer is shaped both by the sins of her past & nigh fanatical belief in the virtues of her church. Despite her ordeals she is today, still, a light-hearted & warm individual, with a knack for violence matched by her innocent-like romanticism view of life, music and love.

*   *   *

  [~] Realism is key in my play. While this is a fantasy setting, I'm simply not aroused when things seem cartoonish. As a sexual example: if you have a ridiculously gigantic schlong, don't expect to shove it balls-deep into Lyn's throat with one mighty thrust. In fact, that'll likely make her vomit, especially if your character has been marching that day, since that acrid taste of sweat won't do her throat any service.

  [~] Lynessa is not meant to be a big-eyed servile innocent hentai-inspired character that will stammer at the sight of a confident male, blush and look down with a lack of security. Don't come looking for this. I even confess to hating hentai style.

  [~] I don't often enjoy pure Female scenes. I need there to be a penis somewhere! Either in the form of a male, and then having some M-F-F fun, or in rarer cases, shemales, which would require some convincing since I prefer keeping things realistic (but in fantasy settings there's wiggle room).

  [~] Numbers. I try to avoid them. Stating her height, her bra size, her weight, his cock, etc, these are things I don't care about. I prefer settling with written descriptions and leaving the rest for the imagination to fill.

  [~] About the partners - I've gradually lost interest in all-mighty demon/monster/demi-god styled characters that are infallible, emotionally, sexually and physically. I realize this will severely limit my options here, but I'm after plain, "regular" (in regards to race/lineage) characters.

  [~] I'm Tell-Friendly! :) In fact, I appreciate it. Contact me with any questions (the worst that'll happen is just me politely refusing, that's all).

F-List Account:
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Elf