Zebey'phyr'ffyn D'sel'kestal

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Zebey'phyr'ffyn D'sel'kestal

Translations from the Drow language...

Zebey - (Feminine) Dragon, lithe, rage, wyrm
Phyr - (Feminine)  Bless, blessed, blessing
ffyn - (Feminine)  Minstrel, singer, song
Del - of / of the(often shortened to d' or D')
Sel'kestal – New Hope

Dragon blessed song of New Hope

Zebeys Mansion is named "El'lar Del Sel'kestal" and is located in or on Morilinde Taure Formenúmen - Nightingale Forest Northwest

El'lar Del Sel'kestal:
Common to Drow translations:

El'lar - (non-noble)  House
Del - of / of the (often shortened to d')
sel - new
kestal - hope

Zebey has a self-aware Tail named: "Khal'abbil", which in Drow means: "My trusted friend."

Zebey and Khal can be referred to as one entity by the name of Ril; in Drow Ril can mean: Bandit, raider, enemy, outlaw, outlawed. In their case, it would be most correctly translated as Outlaw or Outlawed. The question being; by whom?

Height: About 5' 0" (Tall for her race(s).
Weight: 100 lbs; feminine rounded curves with athletic muscles beneath her skin.

Hair and skin colors should be rather obvious to a nearby observer.

Eyes: Close observation might show something odd about her pupils. Her irises are a golden amber color under normal lighting. Emotions and / or area lighting may affect the color of her irises.

Zebey is usually dressed from the neck down with little or no skin showing. If her movement causes the material around her throat or forearm to shift in direction; a very observant person might notice keloid scars that are a paler shade of gray with a hint of a salmon colored tint.

If you are able to touch Khal, you will find that Khals' skin feels like a high quality suede covered with white hairs the texture of which would remind most people of short, very fine, silky baby hairs or even that of an immature mouse.

Ril was probably born in the Underdark to the Qu'ellar abbilen d'Tagnik'zun. House friends of Dragons would be the closest translation into Common.

dragons - tagnik'zun
friends - abbilen
House - qu'ellar (titled noble family)
of - 1 d' 2 de' 3 del

Animal Companion: Valdruk or Shadowmaster in Common.

There are copies of a book scattered around the islands of Lóna Tel Morilinde Taure and the Celestial Anvil that give information as to this sort of self-aware "Tail". The book was written more than a decade ago in Real Life and was added to this server in 2011. The title of the book is: "The Fey'ri and Tieflings of Our World With Some Subspecies"


I, as the Player of Zebey am somewhat Tell friendly as long as Tells are not done so often as to become annoying.

Good Role Play is welcomed. However, if you Role Play like the Baldurs Gate II NPC Noober in Nashkel please go away! … http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5JOud30kAI

I am not a Spelling Nazi and as long as the intent of the text is understandable, I will not expect you to correct yourself. If a Role Player is not all that good at English, this too will probably be tolerated. Typos happen and sometimes the typos are mine.

I'm not all that fast as a typist, so patience would be appreciated.

Yellows: Males who are very much larger or smaller will probably be relegated to the friends only category.

A little Trauma Drama IC might be acceptable, Trama Drama OoC gets old fast. There's more than enough Trauma Drama in Real Life without some nutter introducing it into my fantasy world. If you enjoy that sort of Role Play. please go annoy someone else.

Reds:Nothing against server rules, no Hermaphrodites (Herms or Shemales)for ERP. A male with a huge penis or who thinks slamming his penis against a cervix is going to please or arouse the female is ignorant of female anatomy and what is painful rather than pleasurable. Genitals that are ridiculously large. OW! Any PC so much as resembling an underage person either mentally or physically. A Hin, Halfling, Gnome, etc, should have the appearance of an adult physically. No Vore, Toilet Play or Watersports such as Golden Showers, Scat, Permadeath, Godmoding, Metagaming. No hard-core BDSM. NO torture, slavery, rape... in fact, no mistreating this lady in any way. Offers of intimate emotes with an Undead PC. EW!

Greens: Good Role Play. Friendships with PCs who are not “evil” are always welcome. Romance, courtship, fidelity trump SRP or ERP. Males ONLY! Some may find me creative in such a relationship, some may find me to be rather "Vanilla".

Yellows: Pretty much the same as the Greens.

To over-simplify those scars: Keloid scars are seen 15 times more frequently in highly pigmented ethnic groups than in Caucasians. Keloids are firm, rubbery lesions or shiny, fibrous nodules, and can vary from pink to the colour of the patient's flesh or red to dark brown in colour. A keloid scar is benign and not contagious, but sometimes accompanied by severe itchiness, pain, and changes in texture. In severe cases, it can affect movement of skin.

Most skin injury types can contribute to keloid (keloidal) scarring. This includes acne scars, burns, chickenpox scars, ear piercing, scratches, surgical cuts, battle scars, torture by several means or vaccination sites.


Player:Jeanie D'Jinni
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf