Kren Lil Og'elend

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Uuuniloh whol yaith lu'xa'huuli og'elend vel'uss uriu maunus ichl mzilt draeval xuil rivvin.

(Mercenary archer and worthless heretic who has spent too much time with surface-dwellers.)

He has resisted the urgings to join the Drow faction of the Dreaded Lands, despairing over how old hatreds take root in new lands.  This has earned him the title of Lil Og'elend (The Heretic).

A drow warrior of no noble house, he has drifted to Sinfar, drawn by rumors of a place where drow, surfacers and other races lived together in relative peace.

In his prior travels on the surface as a bowman for hire, he found that full armour and helmet or hood would allow him to pass for a surfacer.  In Sinfar he has been able to abandon this practice.  Even bright sunlight no longer bothers him so long as he wears tinted glasses to protect his eyes.


A muscular yet graceful build, enjoying the freedom to show his face and physique on these blessed islands.  

Ht: 5' 11"
Wt: 180 lbs.
Age: About 200.  Pretty young by Drow standards, or pretty old by houseless mercenary standards.
Hair: silvery white
Eyes: pale lavender

Red: Usual. ERP with Shemales or Males.
Yellow: Permanent Stuff.
Green: Interesting RP.  
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf