
For those whom die a horrid death...
  For those whom suffered a faith worse...
     Only to die from such...  
        Hatred and loathing remaining after..

We will always exist....
 To snuff out the lives the very living,
    The ones whom STOLE our own...

We will not rest...
  Until all live within our anguish and sorrow..
    Until everyone becomes part of...


It walks. Almost everything gone from it's former self, save the pain and anguish it felt before it's dying breath. Hollow green glowing eyes adorn it's wretched disfigured face. Jaw wide open, dislocated, with only its flesh holding it from dropping to earth, gave view to it's festering insides. Maggots crawling and squirming within so violently, its as if even they did not wish to be upon the body they reside in.

Seething with murderous intent towards the living, it shambles around with meat hooks lodged into its body. It's mutilated and forever fresh scars acted like sheathes to its cruel blades.

Chains dragged upon the ground where it tread. The clinging of its steps eerily echoing the light clinks and clangs of its bindings: which were tied and bolted around its wrist's and ankles. The other ends melded to the base of the hooks within it's morbid being.  

Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human