Sairan Del'fure

Sex- Shemale (Can't change! RP for more.)

Appearance- Like her mother Cora Sairan rarely keeps one form she is a shifter of sorts which can be quite common here in the realms of mystery and, debauchery.
Though she is mostly found in either her human, or blue dragon kin forms.

Human- Not unlike most female types of the realm she is tall, curvy, and well endowed in ALL areas. (For now I'll just say to be continued.)

Blue Dragon-Kin- Otherwise known as her "Fighting form." Sairan is found in this form deep in the crypts or other dungeons. She finds the extra size and general frightening appearance scares opponents long enough to give her some form of advantage as a sorceress. (Again T.B.C)

Attitude- This woman fancies herself a noble despite her families kinky and somewhat dysfunctional ways. She carries herself with a kindly confidence. She seems always open to the more risque lifestyle given her upbringing, and is rarely found to be the dainty fainting princess when she hears the word cock but, she is more tactful about it then some would seem in Sinifer. So perhaps you do stand a chance of getting with her but best to bring your A game if you plan to get this catch.

Reds. Greens, Yellows- Those who know my other characters know I'm extremely kinky the basics I don't go for are excessive gorey stuff, vore, and death. Anything else send a tell as mood varies.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human