Iona de Mouray

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No description?! What sorcery is this?!

Height: 5'2" ish.
Weight: Around 100 pounds.
Skin Color: Red
Eye Color: Black-ish grey.
Age: Early twenties.
Race: Tiefling.
Build: Athletic.
Bust: Firm D-cups.
Jewelry: Ten piercings total. Three rings in each ear. A metal stud in her tongue. Small metal studs in each nipple. And a beautiful ruby stud in her clit.
Sexuality: Prefers women but doesn't discriminate if the mood is there.

She now always wear a tight black collar, by no means attempting to hide it.

Furthermore she is engaged to Fabienne de Mouray, with whom she's been able to make a fresh start after a somewhat damaging past.

Really.. is that it?! This is even worse than no description! *Flails arms about in outrage*
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human