Verona Valquest

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There are some immediate things you should know about Verona, they are as follows.

This woman is cold to the touch, generally it is but a few degrees lower than that of the environment she is in.

Her flesh is is a pale white, milky even.

A spot check (DC 18 during speech, not optional otherwise. A +4 can be given if one can get her into a smiling mood.) allows one to notice a pair of fangs behind her incisors, but the more off setting of things is that there is a second pair behind those.

Each of her eyes is a vibrant amber, as if one stared into a dying campfire during the darkest of nights.

There are traces of raw arcane energy within her, similar to that of a sorcerer. A spellcraft (DC 20) or Lore (DC 30) can identify these as such. If one can manage to 'inspect' these workings, and have some knowledge of vampire subtypes, they might find that she is a 'Broxas'. (Send tells for info on such things.)

More in-depth visual description (as well as custom portrait) on ze way, I promise!
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Elf