
First Name- Joshua
Last Name- Scarbo
Gender- Male
Race- RP to find out.
Hair- Dark grey, Almost shoulder length, Clean, Disheveled.
Facial Hair- Rough, Unflatteringly unkempt.
Ears- Slightly Pointed.
Age- RP to find out.
Eyes- Golden Irises with rare flecks that change color at random .
Body/skin/hands/etc- Rough, Callused, Weathered.
Height- 6'5
Notable features- Gigantic wings of an angellic nature which he has real trouble hiding. Much like the rest of his body they are lacking the perfection one would see on most angels. Strangely dyed a deep neutral grey over your standard black and whites as well.

On his heart rests a branding of a battered Raven that for those who can sense is of a magical nature.
Green Lights: Almost anything
Red Lights: Server Rules and generally rape if it can be avoided.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Half-Elf