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Race: Prehistoric Simian
Preference: All Genders, All Races
Age: Unknown (Appears to be fullgrown adult)
Height: Taller than wolf, smaller than horse.
Weight: As much as 2 armloads of rocks.
Tribal Status: Shaman. (separated from Tribe)
Mate Status: Unmated, Fertile female.
Tech level: Prehistoric, basic tools. Hunter/Gatherer

Ari is a prehistoric ancestor of one or more of the Main Races. How exactly She came to be here is anyone's guess!  All she knows is that she is NOT home.... Everything is different. the smells, the sights. the climate. the flora and fauna.

Her Story will develop more over time thru RP interactions. (Tell Friendly. Walk-up Friendly)
{ Dec 2018 New portrait loaded. }
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf