
Stands before you is a short, about 5'4 in height, and skinny young man. His hair is a shade of dark brown and is cut short but allows for bangs to fall softly infront of his forehead. His eyes would nearly match the hue of his hair, both orbs being a deep shade of brown. His body is nearly hairless and it would seem as if he had little to no muscle structure at all, mostly just skin and bones. However, his legs, ifone were to be able to see them clearly, would appear slightly more muscled than the rest of his form showcasing that if he had any strength it would have been in running.

If one took a longer look at his face they would have noticed that he would have a moderatly cute look about him. It was obvious he was a man due to his pronounced jawline and the small amount of facial hair that was above and below his chin. Normally seen smiling, he was overall youthfull looking, something that could be a dangerous trait in a city like this.

While not sickly looking he does appear as if hewould not be able to take much of a hit, nor dish one out. However, it would probably be apparent that his skills were placed elsewhere. He was a young man in an new city, only time would tell what might happen.

OOC NOTE: This is a character I've created for the sole purpose of development. To see how a innocent and newly arrived face with little backstory might develop over time. So lets see how this all plays out!

Reds: No -real- reds but the character will react accordingly to anything thrown at him be that scat, vomit, or even death. Player will not discriminate(Unless iit's against Server Rules), but the character just might.

Greens: Any race and any gender is welcomed. When it comes to erp the character will have their position decided according to how it is roleplayed, though switch leaning towards submissive would probably be the initial startingpoint. Almost anything just ask or do, in all honesty just let the rp develop and we'll see from where that goes! Do what your character will do and I'll do what mine will do! If one really wants specifics just send a tell!

Player is almost always, very, tell friendly!

Well you made it to the end of the end so for those still interested here is a more detalied list of her 'kinks' though as I said nothing is off the table as long as it isn't against the server rules. Just don't expect those noes of hers to be taken well.

Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human