
Portrait Save
Name: Goldgut
Race: Minotaur
Age: Middle to Late
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1 ft
Weight: 275
Sexuality: Bisexual


Goldgut is a Minotaur of the classical sort. There is no tail, no bovine legs here.
A tall, human body supports an angry, aggressive looking bulls head.

The bull, definitely of the woolly variety. Black shaggy fur and a black mane accentuates his features, although it is washed and fastidiously cared for. Infact, you'd find that he is probably quite habitular in his grooming. Braids fall down his back and by his hair at random, adorned with golden rings.
It has turned grey in a thin line around his snout, and his brows.
A duo of sharp, violent horns sprout from his head. Despite being well kept, you still notice faded reddish-brown stains on the keratin.
His left eye is an icey blue, it reminds you of a husky. His right eye, horribly damaged. The skin around it is destroyed by a gnarled and deep scar, possibly from an axe. The eye itself has survived, but is solid crimson, not even the pupil can be seen. If you've got the experience or knowledge to guess, you summise that the eye has filled with blood.
A weakness on a creature with wide set eyes like a bull....and yet the wound is clearly old, nevertheless.

His body is that of a man, simply a very large man. His chest and forearms are thick with black, human hair. A masculine charm, for some. His upper body is extraordinarily muscular, chest arms and shoulders a thick, his prestigious flesh stretched over muscles that could heft a tree, but a solid, round belly belies a man who likes to eat extraordinarily. His hands are huge, enlarged from decades of hard labour and work. They're corded with veins and make everything he grasps look small. Apples become plums, plums become apricots, apricots become grapes.
Sadly, the lightly tanned skin is marred. Despite it's muscular perfection, the skin is ruined by decades of violent scars. Scars of various ages cross each other, knicks, slashes, maulings. You see wounds from spears, axes, swords, teeth, claws. He could have been beautiful, once.

His genitals too..perhaps surprisingly are human. His uncut phallus hangs low between his legs. Five inches when soft, nine and a half when hard. It's shocking girth provides a weight that causes it to swing, it's skin stretched. Thick, blue veins cross it's surface like a spiderweb. Large testicles accompany it, heaby amd ready to burst.

However, you probably see little of this, at first.
Goldgut dresses in a way that covers most of his body. A steel, tempered breastplate to protect his body, comfortable cloth underneath, a lengthy solid coloured kilt to his legs. He walks in a manner that is civlised enough, He carries himself in a manner that is civilised enough, infact, his voice, deep and croaking from an old wound on his neck...speaks civlised enough. He certainly walks the realms of men.
His only wild like feature appears to be....his trophies. From his belt are a number of short ropes, adorned of which are the skulls of fallen foes, humanoid in shape.

Goldgut's personality is simple enough.
He is surprisingly calm, he pauses before speaking, he tries to be mindful of manners and customs and is seemingly without racial or gender prejudice.
Although, he is extraordinarily covetous. Motivations driven by greed, he is easily bribed or swayed by food and gold.
His age is uncertain. You think he might be in his middle age, maybe a little later.
Although...who knows how old he can get? People who live by the blade usually die by the blade well by now.


I'm tell friendly :) Althought, I don't usually like to set up meets as I like things to be organic, always feel free to send a tell for a chat about anything :)

Greens: Men and women. Goldgut enjoys the sexual experiences of men, women, trans folks of any gender, femboys, "shemales". He doesn't care. His position is either. He primarily tops, but isn't strict about that.
His real perversion is age, as he likes men and women in their late teens (18, 19) and early twenties more than anything else. The disgusting old bull.
Short scenes (we dont have to be here for 4 hours yknow)
Rough sex, dirty talk, fun times.

Reds: Rape, actually.
And the normal stuff.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Half-Orc