
Portrait Save
Typically seen as a woman with foxlike features, standing at 5'7" tall with bright red hair and skin of a curious reddish tinge to it.  She is rather beautiful in her own way, her form very curvy with prominent DD-cup Breasts, and, as mentioned before, having the foxlike features of the traditional ears and tail variety, both the same color bright red as her hair.

Perhaps the most defining part about her is her demeanor... namely, she seems to do everything in a carefree, somewhat languid fashion, her words coming out in a drawl, her blue eyes tracking the various passers by slowly.  She moves exactly as much as she needs to, and once in a comfortable place can remain still for hours.  Nonetheless, her perpetually-bored-looking eyes do have a certain spark when it comes to certain things, the latest new experience, person or place...

// Misc Info
Species: Kitsune (fire)
Gender: Female (100%)
Orientation: Omnisexual (bi)
Reds: Perma-Death, Gore, Vore, stuff that should go in the toilet, Anal play of any type, OOC Drama, Blank Bios while actively RPing
Yellows: Pregnancies
Greens: Just about everything else.  I'm pretty open, though ask me if it is edgy.

Addendum: Though it is not absolutely required to RP with me, I'd prefer you are kind to the English language and refrain from using Internet slang, lazy abbreviations, or forgetting your punctuation.  Show the English Language some love! <3
Player:Zeph Mother of the Year
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human