Robert Lionsbane

Robert Lionsbane, Champion of Lathander.

A bringer of Peace and Unity, Robert stands proud and strong in the face of opposition and delights in his faith and the joys it brings to the world.  Though young, he is an accomplished cleric, having taken up arms against undead and many other evils wherever they rear their heads. His travels has amusingly enough, led him to Sinfar, where he seeks out an ancient vampire coven, desiring nothing more then to see them brought low. How long will this noble soul last among the depravities of this land....

195 (Trim and Fit)
Brown/Blonde Hair
Blue Eyes
Pale yet mildly tanned skin

With tussled brown/blonde hair and brilliant blue eyes, Robert easily could have been a male model or an actor in a modern age. His jaw line is chiseled with kissable lips and often he sports a rather charming and friendly smile.

He appears mostly human, although he does nothing to hide the small points to his ears that clearly delegate him as one that has elven blood mingled in. Perhaps this is what gives him his good looks though.

He carries a long sword at his him and a sword with the mark of Lathander Proudly emblazoned upon its back.

(Lights) - Negotiable, ask.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human