Imogen Pravus

((Heads up. I am in a happily committed relationship ooc. I am not here for any kind of OOC shenanigans. Just here for the RPs. So no OOC flirty talk. Not here to discuss the finer aspects of fapsturbating with strangers on the internets. )

"All those things that you desire, you will find there in the fire..."

Race-Half-Fiend (Baatezu)
Eyes-Black, iris and pupilless

Embodying vice and clad in sin, this tall feminine creature walks through the world as if she knows a secret that those around her do not, and as if that secret makes it all her domain. Clearly of otherworldly origins, the pale beauty makes no effort to hide this fact. She would have a job of doing so at any rate. Curved horns sprout from her head, curling back over her skull, and being tipped with an obsidian that matches her black featureless eyes. Those eyes have an unsettling quality of seemingly staring directly at whoever looks at them, even though simultaniously making it difficult to tell where the black-haired priestess is looking. Her face is handsomely sculpted, with occasional sharp lines broken by softness in just the right places to make the end result majestic yet welcoming.
As one's eyes travel down over her body, they'd find it that of a well-trained yet curved woman. That is, at least untill they got to her hips, where thick fur, pleasant and soft to the touch, starts to sprout, covering the goat-like legs that terminate in cloven hooves.
Around her neck she wears a few amulets, foremost of which is a ninepointed star, a piece of iconography which repeats across her armor, and her hair is often decorated with black, yet attractive, flowers.

Should she be disrobed from the rich fabrics and metals she wears upon her person, one would see further signs of her unnatural heritage, and the "gifts" it has wrought upong her. Her black fur starts at her pelvis, yet even its thick covering is not quite enough to hide the unnatural masculine wrongness that sits between her thighs. The thick member, human in appearance, yet hardly in size, either hangs between those powerful furred thighs, or stands hungry and demanding out from her body, ready to be plunged into whatever willing or unwilling flesh that Imogen might find.

"Can't you see that you're lost without me?"

((No poop, or Child-like toons, kthxbye))
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human