
A kitsune may take on human form, an ability learned when it reaches a certain age—usually 100 years, although some tales say 50. As a common prerequisite for the transformation, the fox must place reeds, a broad leaf, or a skull over its head. Common forms assumed by kitsune include beautiful women, young girls, or elderly men. These shapes are not limited by the fox's age or gender, and a kitsune can duplicate the appearance of a specific person. Foxes are particularly renowned for impersonating beautiful women. Common belief in medieval Japan was that any woman encountered alone, especially at dusk or night, could be a fox.

In some stories, kitsune have difficulty hiding their tails when they take human form; looking for the tail, perhaps when the fox gets drunk or careless, is a common method of discerning the creature's true nature.

Amber eyes
Fire red hair, a tumbled mass often unkept
Bushy red tail with a snow white tip
soft, innocent features
Skittish around huge crowds or in towns
If she took off her hood, She'd have huge fox ears sprouting from the angles of her head, there tips in snow white fur as well
Smells earthy, fresh, with the lingering of Pine cones or grass.
Note the only fur on her form is on her ears and tail when in her half and half.

(( I'm here to have fun, Please Don't take what my char dose for me. Ask for lights!

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf