Aria Olairen

Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Arcanist
Marital Status: Single

Before you stands a human of small stature by most standards. At a mere 4'11, she was often mistaken for an elf. This, coupled with her particularly lithe, and flat form caused the mistake to happen more times than she'd care to recount. Blonde hair cascaded down from her head, somewhat unkempt, but soft, and clean, pausing along her shoulders. She carried herself confidently, despite her frail form, and often showed the sort of fire one would expect from someone so small. Ice blue eyes peered from beneath the cowl she so often wore, giving off a faint glow. Upon close inspect, one could quite literally see a blizzard going on within those iris's, clearly some form of magic.

Were one to see her bare, they would likely first take note of the bright blue, and white runes that were carved in to her flesh. These runes ran along a large portion of her body: the full length of her arms, down along her spine where it ended at her tail bone, and down the front of her legs, ending at her ankles. They shimmered, and gave off an absurd amount of energy, for those with the ability to see it. Despite this, the girl herself seemed no more powerful, or skilled than any other caster one might find in Sinfar. One thing that was particularly noticeable, more often than not, was the constant chill that followed her. Rain fell as snow at her feet, and those who drew near her often shuddered as they did.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf