
Her wings occasionally buzz as if having to expend a burst of energy. This is usually the first thing that many hear from her. This nearly seven-foot-tall "bee-woman" moves with a gracefully strong and confident stride. Eyes that are multi-faceted gleam that resembles a dark-hue jewel with the myriad of reflections upon the mirror-like surfaces. Her head sports a thick layer of protective chitin and her antennae, those slender antennae swishing and flicking lazily when she's idle. Her appearance is a matronesque, mature woman. Generously lovely, were it not for the mandibles that frame the corners of her black-hue lips.

Her body is built with strength in mind, adding to the appearance of her warrior-themed physique. If it wasn't for the tender yellow-hue flesh that was hardened with muscle, the glossy-black chitin of her arms, legs, and body-sculpted armor definitely leaned her appearance towards a hardened guardian or warrior for her hive.

Ultimately soft and fragile tufts of fine hairs line around her chitinous neck, tufts forming at her shoulders and hips in finely groomed crops. A massive bee 'abdomen' forms at the lower end of her back, curled slightly and visibly shifting and throbbing with her powerful heartbeat. The layers of hard chitin protecting the fleshy core of that abdomen, the end of it holding a retracted stinger.

And my, what a stinger when revealed. A massive barb that drools venom, depending upon the target and her intentions the venom ranges from deadly to mildly annoying. As for any further investigations of her anatomy, one would have to get closer and surely much more intimate to figure out more than that she resembles a tall feminine humanoid.

She smells constantly of sweet floral arrangements. Lilacs and lavender most often. With just a hint of mint.

Her voice is a soft raspy one, sounding like a sultry woman who smokes constantly. Many of her letters are hissed or trilled in odd ways, followed by clicking of her mandibles.

It does not take long before one might realize her mindset is utterly alien to typical human thoughts. Her existence obviously a sheltered one that was wholly in service to her hive.


Character is a work in progress.

Lights are not listed, but expect things to be weird as fuck if you try to sleep with a literal killer bee-babe.

Expect ovipositors and stingers. Possibly massive amounts of cuddling.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human