Jake Rayne

. . .One, two! One, two! And through and through
 The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
 He went galumphing back.

"And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
 Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"
 He chortled in his joy.. . .

[|Basics Details|]
Race: Human
Age: 35
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 165 lbs
Hair: Thick and Wavy
Hair Color:  Charcoal Black
Complexion:  Fair

Face:  Opaque Theater's Mask
Hair:  Two Feathers
Voice: Mute?

Quiver:  Ink Black War-Styled Arrows.
Blade:  Sheathed Scimitar
Blade:  Sheathed Rapier.
Blade:  Dagger
Tri-Pole:  Collapsable Quarterstaff
Bow:  ??? (Not Readily Seen)
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human