Simon Crestlin


Name: Simon Crestlin

Race: Human

Age: mid 50s

Height: 5'10''

Weight: Slender

Hair: Silver with sky-blue highlights

The first thing most notice about Simon is that the silver in his hair perfectly matches the silver in his robe, and the blue in his hair perfectly match the blue of his eyes.

He has no notable scars but his eyes glint with magic.  Simon is rarely without his staff, as it is was presented to him when he began practicing sorcery at a young age.  

Simon walks calmly and is still at mind in combat.  He has a cross tatooed on his forehead, and while many who set off on careers to fight off evil and the undead pursue priesthood, Simon chose sorcery.  

Random Simonisms

Simon once led an order of monks, as the sole magic user.  He is actually quite awful at martial combat, and his appointment was merely because of smooth talking
Simon likes an assortment of cheeses and wines

Simon has a twin brother that he communicates telepathically with.  His brother is not human, unlike him, which makes him wonder who his parents were, as he isn't sure himself.

Simon is desperately seeking a piece of Unobtainium.  He will pay dearly for it.

Simon is borderline senile at times.  It comes and goes.  He never means to offend, but he can occasionally sound ridiculous, insane, outrageous, and giggly at times.  Simon wasn't always like this, but he has a hard time recalling times before this mood issue.  

//Lights are specifically Simon's preferences.  Player has no tangible lights as long as RP is respected and server rules aren't violated.

Red: Being eaten, being insulted by a halfing, angry monks, paladins with no honor, barbarians who use shields, the spell Magic Missile, random sex, "furrying" one's brow or brows, really long strands of emotes with very little speech (mutes excluded), multi-tasking

Yellow: The spell Magic Missile

Green: Funny people, cheese and wine (combined), people who realized the last green light nearly rhymed, turkey legs lighty cooked, magic, the spell "Circle of Death", the spell "Weird", Unobtainium ore, small talk, companionship (//Simon is not interested in ERP but enjoys intimate conversations), the spell Magic Missile, anything completely random
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human