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Record 14587-Ass-J.Robertson

Day 1 : We arrived yesterday and the camp instalation went good. Doctor Burns tried to dissipate the mental obnibulation from which the caught citizens seem to suffer , using a tri dimensional brainwave modulator , with no result!

Day 2 : We searched through the first corridors for Profesor Nicebutts and our missing Ukarie Station Commander. The envirronment is extremely hostile and we have to wait for reinforcements before further exploration.

Day 3 : We found three entry points to this place. Doctor Burns concluded they all use a different temporal portal as people and animals coming through them seem to be affected differently. Miss Brenda objected his conclusion wasn't objectif and statisticaly proven..

Day 4 : One of the female citizens died and we found a strange object next to her body which seems to belong to this world. Autopsie revealed sever body strains due to constriction and vaginal and anal violation. No corporal fluids were found. Doctor Burns suspects the object to have something to do with it. We convinced Miss Brenda not to examin it any further without the neccessary security instalations.

Day 5 : There is no way back anymore..

Day 6 : Still no sign of Profesor Nicebutts..

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human