Kareldi Lomel

Portrait Save
Age: 26
Race: Human
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 144
Sex: Female

Pale brown hair runs slicked back over the head of this woman, her skin a shaded and deep Caucasian appearance with a bone structure that indicates an ebony heritage. Her cheekbones are high and pronounced, her lips full and large, her jaw broad in it's steep angle down, dark eyes watchful.
She has a long neck, moderately wide shoulders sweep down to arms thick with muscle. Her chest is full, though strength falls short in her abs falling flat by all appearances, an "innie" at her navel. It would appear most all of her strength has been diverted into her upper body, giving her a fairly masculine appearance so far as her build is concerned, the lower body slender and granting little match to the rest; however, the agility she holds seems to be centered at her lower body as a result. Her legs are flexible and swift, making her a fairly odd if not effective combination of traits.

While by no means a pushover, she is not immensely strong, nor beautiful, nor swift; it is the balance between these traits that make her dangerous.
Using her strength, she forces a blade comfortably back and forth, swinging to strike in all manner of deadly motions with ease in the weighted weapon.
Using her speed, she is quite nimble and insightful in combat, finding herself capable of avoiding most every blow that would befall normally her.
By force of personality and purpose, she seems quite influential on the battlefield, imposing her will and empowering her standard in the face of combat-she is a compelling force to be reckoned with.

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human