Dimitri Iscariot

Race: Human (Vampire)
Age: Appears 26
Height: 6'1
Weight: 195
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Blue
Orientation: Pansexual
Alighnment: Neutral Evil

Before you stands a man of reasonably tall stature, and strong build. Whilst not overly stocky, his muscles are toned as one would expect of a warrior, and compacted so as not to hinder his movement, as some of the bulkier combatants are. Often he is seen in a blue cloak and hood, alongside whatever garments he may possess, but when that hood is down, flawless features are revealed.

Such could be expected of a vampire, given their otherworldly beauty in many cases. His skin however had a healthy vibrance to it, no doubt the work of some enchantment or another, as vampires often sought. His skin was slightly dark, and invitingly warm to the touch. His eyes were a dark blue, that went well with the dark black hair that he had upon his head. He was clean, well kept, but despite all of this, he was decidedly unapproacable, in the eyes of many. Rarely did a smile cross his features, or a warmth enter those dark blue eyes. Stoicism ruined an otherwise attractive visage, and it was rare he made much effort to hide his nature, in a place like Sinfar.

One noteable piece, that never left his form, was a locket that rested upon his chest, never tucked beneath the shirt, or hidden from sight. It was shiny, well kept, immaculate. Were any to ever manage to see the interior of that locket, within it was a picture of him, and of a beautiful woman, young looking, a hin by the looks of it. She wore classic victorian dress, and was posed, prim and proper.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human