Acaelus Hael

A large northern man, in his mid twenties, muscular and possessing sharp wolf-like facial features. His former fair skin has become sunbaked, and taken on a darker hue, as a result of spending so much time in the warmer south.

Piercings and other clan markings are seen on his face, and a tattoo of some kind visable when without armour on his back as well. Scars, old wounds, and a brutal axe strapped to his back further add to the appearance of someone originating from a warrior culture.

In contrast to this somewhat barbaric appearance, are scrolls, religious symbols, mystical talismans, and other markings of culture and civilization.

His eyes give off the impression of someone with deep cunning, an almost predatory look. Defiance shines in them too. Sharp as bitter steel, the kind that will break before it bends.
Player:shattered dreams
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human