Not Snow

General description:
Golden, noble or highborn gryphons, whatever name one might have heard to be used to call those creatures, was most likely made up name by an outsider, but for the sake of this work, we'll use all of them alternately. Noble gryphons are larger then most of their typical brethren from other planes. They have white feathers and golden fur, hence one of the names uses the word "gold" to describe them. Those creatures posses a natural ability to visit different planes, which they use frequently to search for new places to live. While other creatures of their kind are more feral and unfriendly, Highborn gryphons often decide to visit other socities, its made easier due to them having a limited shapeshifting abilities, allowing them to shift betwen three forms, their natural one, hybrid and normal humanoid. Last thing worth of mentioning is that those creatures are Hermaphrodites, meaning they posses sex of both genders.

Physical description:
To properly describe them, we would need to focus on each form separately:

Normal form: Large quadruped being that joins two creatures, with its head being that of an eagel, while most of the body having the quality of a lion, though lack any kind of mane. With its front legs ending in sharp talons, its back legs would be normal paws. Tail being long and ending in a fur brush. Last would be its large and powerful wings. The coloring being golden and white, and as stated before, golden being its fur, while the feather parts were snow white.

Hybrid form: Large humanoid, massive and muscular. Its worth mentioning, that in this form the only feathers would be their ears and wings. From waist down they were covered in fur, with both legs ending in talon-like paws. With their hands having sharp claws, and being also covered in fur, that would end around elbow area. They prefered to keep their hair loose, natural and long, if not dyed, it would in the color of their feathers. Minor things, being their golden tails that ended in white brush, and feathered ears. Lastly their powerful wings, they weren't often used to fly in hybrid form, but they still could do so quite skillfuly and the strongest could even do so while carrying other humanoid of a similar size or smaller.

Humanoid form: They usually looked like overly tall elf forms, and the addition of wings, that was part of each of their forms, would give them a look of an overly sized avariel.

Behaviour description
Stubborn and noble, would be the shortest and most precise way to describe those creatures. They resemble dwarfs in that manner, as they prefer simple, yet practical things, and their idea of honor and nobility was also pure of any complications that humans or elves like to indulge themselfs in at times. They rarely let themself get socialized by other races, and they often stick to their own rules. As such, its not rare for them to not care about clothes, unless it has any other reason then to cover their bodies. Whenever betwen other races, they keep themselfs in hybrid forms, as they consider it polite and being able to communicate with them, as well as a way to protect themself, considerin their claws they use to fight in that form.

They prefer to live in high mountains, often they "Hire" other creatures to help them in making their caves that they live and keep their nest in. They aren't picky about the temperature, as they can survive in hot climates but they don't mind snow or cold environment as well, the only issue being high enough places and food. Which consist mostly of raw meat they hunt, yet they don't mind accepting gifts of other kind of food. The entire "trade" and "Hire" thing of course, does not involve any usage of currency, most of the time, gold gryphons offer protection to some settlements that live nearby, or agree on one time jobs.

They live in small tribes, the requirement for such due to food problems for such large creatures. They are usually lead by the oldest of the tribe, which also serves as the archpriestess. They cooperate to gather food, protect the young and nests and if such need is required, to contact other races. In case of any conflict arising betwen two of the tribes members, the final judgement always belongs to the elder. In a rare occurance, that someone would not accept their judgement, they usually leave to seek other tribes or start their own.
While their normal forms are hermaphrodites, their hybrid form have a strong resemblance of a specific gender, while their humanoid form is a specific gender and posses only genitals of that gender. And its not a random thing, neither would it be in the power of the gryphon to choose. The "Male" or "Female" is decided at birth and at the day/night phase. To put it simply, Golden gryphons born at day, are always males, and as such they are adressed as "he" while the females at night, and are adressed per "she".
They are often cooperating with some settlements that would live nearby, offering their protection, or agreeing to do one time tasks, in exchange for help or food from those places or groups.

Magic and religion
They very rarely use mystic magic, as it would require for one to learn it and become a wizard, as sorcerers or bards are nonexistant among them. Divine magic is more often used, and some of the Noble gryphons posses a somewhat natural ability to conjure such effects. All of them follow, what they call, "Silver talon" or simply "Light" as their god.

Relationship and sexuality:
They pick their mates for lifetime, rarely would a situation occur within their society, that mates abondoned one another. That being said, they distinguish "Physical" and "Emotional" aspects, claiming that one is that of a flesh the other being love. As such, outside of their community, they are quite often indulging themself in casual sexual activities, and when other races consider their relationship "love" or "romance" the golden gryphons treat it simply as friendship. Its not unheard of, for them to indulge into relationships with other races, yet it takes time to evolve from friendship with sex elements, to true love from the gryphon side of relationship.
Being hermaphrodites, they can both impregnate and get pregnant. Its usually decided betwen two gryphons which one will be the "mother" and which the "father". The pregnancy is set in two phases. The first one, lasts for a month, when the mother is impregnated and the egg is formed within her. After that, its laid in the nest, and protected at any time by at least one of the parent.
Things get complicated if a gryphon decides to mate with someone outside of their species. When they are the mother, its simple, as it always ends up bearing an egg that will hatch a young, pure gryphon. If they are the father, the mother will have 2 to 4 kids, such "litter" will consist of at least 1 gryphon being born in their "humanoid" form, and the rest being a hybrid, being humanoid, but possesing some of the gryphons characteristics. At most, they will resemble a hybrid form of the gryphon, at least it'll be simply tail, wings and feathered ears.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf