
A lean body of contained muscle and magical might, the entity of ashen flesh and crimson eye looked upon the world with mischief and wonder while a crown of gravestone silk cascaded down along his face with bulk pulled to rear as a thick tuft and braid.

Though he appeared diminutive in terms of mass, there is no mistaking the might that is the physical power that is shown with a swing of his sword which has been seen in times past to level buildings with a gods wrath.

What such a creature not elf, nor human, demon or orc, nor infernal of any comparison could be fathomed, but he is here, and he is watching.

Small pranks, large pranks, ones to torment and bring glee, he is a nightmare to most in his enjoyments, but others a delight to worship for what he can bring. Destruction and chaos seem to go hand in hand with his appearance, as he appears to be one who does not like peace to remain a constant in the world surrounding him.

Character appearance:
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf