Snort Crow-Beak

A hulking orc that stinks of urine and fecal matter. His massive folds of flesh and muscle ooze through the cracks in his crude breastplate. He stands approximately 7'3" tall and must be one of the largest half-blood's you have ever seen. His eyes are always slanted as he glares at you with mean bloodshot eyes. He has a large vertical scar on his face, starting just above his eyebrow and continuing down the length of the face through his left eye all the way to his broad chin. He speaks as if he has never properly learned common tongue. Reading and writing is quite clearly beyond this dumb wit. He seems to repeat his name in oft fashion, always chanting Snort and happy to remind passerby's of the glory of the vicious and blood thirsty Crow-Beak clan.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Half-Orc