Erika Krystallis

Looking upon this pale slip of a girl, most observers will do a double take. Her face, though fair and easy on the eyes, would not attract near as mch interest as other features of her slender body. She is almost always immodestly dressed, showing off her pale, bluish skin, which glistens as though wet. Anyone passing near her feels the coolness emanating from her body. Her skin, as smooth and dewy as it appears, is fairly cold to the touch. Though never frosty or painfully cold, it is definately at an oddly cool temperature, regardless of her environment. Even more peculiar is the set of wings coming out her back. Those looking upon her will note that its feathers are unnaturally shiny, and the keen observer will soon realize that the feathers are in fact ice crystals, seemingly perfectly sculpted into the form of angelic wings.

Erika is, in fact, a para-elemental, bound on this plane from the Plane of Ice. Though she is humanoid in form and in most of her functions, the plane she currently inhabits is extremely warm for her, and she would suffer grieviously if it were not for magical protection against the elements. This protection is provided in the form of a ward, that is permanently affixed to her for as long as she remains within the plane.
This ward keeps the temperature of the plane manageable for her, but she is still almost always a bit warm, which is part of the reason for her small amount of clothing. This ward, though not dispellable, is controllable by those spellcasters who can detect it. Though they cannot remove it entirely, they can control the degree to which it functions, making her too warm or even too cold. Especially adept magic wielders will be able to control it selectively, making the temperature different in different parts of her body.
This ward does, however, make her vulnerable to frost magic, to which she would otherwise be immune, as such spells cause extreme temperature change, damaging the protection it provides, and thus damaging Krysta.


I prefer for RP to flow, so I will generally go along with other players. I am very tolerant of 'power roleplay.' If it gets out of hand, I can always use tells. That's what they're for.

Red Lights:
Scat, anything permanent without permission, public scenes, and things that violate server rules.

Green Lights:
Good roleplaying, bestiality, forced sex, rape, beatings, domination, tentacles, and most else not red lighted.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf