Gromdal Godsfroth

Portrait Save
"The Past should stay in the Past. That way, we know where to find it."

Name: Gromdal Godsfroth
Race: Dwarf
Gender: Male
Age: Over 300 years, by appearance

  This stern-looking adventurer is rather garrulous, for a dwarf. Though his face is wrinkled and his beard grey, his back is straight, and his sure-footed gait belies his clumsy dwarven brogans.
  Gromdal is a relic-hunter, chasing after legends and stories that hint at various devices lost to History. He may be found delving into abandoned ruins in search of a powerful Artefact, or an old library, looking for some forgotten verse of a famous song.
  Often, he tries to replicate the wondrous items of the past with a combination of magic and dwarven engineering. He carries on his person any number of gadgets and geegaws, many he crafted himself.
  He is a member of Clan Godsfroth, the brewers of the famous Godsfroth Dwarven Stout. ("Godfroth Stout: Yep, it'll get ya drunk.")
Player:Twimitar Silque
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Dwarf