
Portrait Save
Name: "Mechairae"
Race: Construct (Drow shape)
Height: 6'
Weight: Heavy
Skin: Adamantine
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Glowing red
Creator: Irae Maeviir
Material: Adamantite

A very life like construct shaped in Irae Maeviir's image.

This construct is composed primarily of adamantite alloy capable of withstanding the sun.

Unlike other constructs however, the delicate clockwork mechanisms of this life like model make it prone to severe damage if its hit on "vital" areas, in a similar fashion to a normal living being.

If anyone would be able to see this model without its armor (something incredibly rare) they would notice it has all the curves the original Irae has. However it lacks any naughty bits or extra parts, since "she" is merely a construct meant for battle.

This construct also shares the same voice as Irae, however, it has a slight metallic echo.
Player:Maeviir Construct
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Elf