Purerris Irisrune

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Appearance: As on screen (See notes below)
Gender: Female (100%/Only)
Race: ??? - Dependant on screen (See above)

Notes: What you see is what is on the screen. She is a natural shifter character. Having spent her life alone in the wilds she may seem a little skittish around large groups but is normally curious, or even playful, when she feels unthreatened. She has picked up enough common to get by if needed though often winds up drawing some kind of curious look or question. As you watch her she would almost seem more animal than anything, but which animal would be hard to guess since when she relaxes her form can take parts of any particular menagerie that her fancy strikes upon (though she seems to prefer fur and cat like essences in brighter colors often as it moves closer to her personality).

Lights: Lets see where RP takes us... OOC Greens (may or may not be reflected in char depending on situation) - D/s, restraints, force, ownership (of her), being kept as a pet or possibly slave, training (as referenced above), extended rp, and so much more... if you feel the need to ask first, very tell friendly.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Halfling