Zafirah Medina


At first or second glance, Zafirah wouldn't seem any different from any other typical young human woman. She has raven-black hair, followed by bright green eyes and tanned skin. Her looks may suggest that she is most likely from a desert region. What would set her apart from the average human would be her well-toned, healthy, curvaceous body topped with her unearthly beauty and an otherworldly grace when she handles her weapon. Sadly, her personality lacks greatly what most half-Jann would succeed in. That being said, like most of her race, she would be brave and physically strong. Typically, she does not take kindly to insult or injury. She is usually found traveling with a young man named Ashley Sinclair...

Basic Information
Origins- The Land of Zakhara
Race- Half-Janni
Gender/Height/Weight/Age- Female/5'6/145 pounds/appears to be very early twenties

RP for more!

Reds- Well, of course anything against server rules and also your typical red lights, like vore and rape. If you're looking for a quickie or one night stand, Zafirah isn't what you're looking for.
Greens- I enjoy in-depth RP, including character stories, progression, and friendships. I like to see where RP leads. Don't hesitate to send me a tell if you have a question or have an RP idea!
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human