Calliope Dedalus

Calliope is a young woman of demonic heritage. She is separated by many a generation from the initial abyssal influence upon her family, rendering here a mere tiefling rather than half-fiend. Nonetheless, the power of the diluted blood in her veins seems to have awakened a latent power within her that has gifted or perhaps cursed her with an inclination for the arcane arts. This revelation has led her to away from 'normal' society and, it seems, to Sinfar. A land where perhaps she hopes to capitalize upon her newfound abilities and increase them. Afterall, an outcast she may be at home, but no decent demonspawn can sit around feeling sorry for themselves forever! The same blood which gave her these capabilities also gave her the shrewdness to try and benefit from them and dispelled from her much of the naiveté usually associated with youth.
She didn't much look the part of tiefling. Her heritage is not clearly visible to the naked-eye. Those with the nose for it, so to speak, might have an inkling of her nature. No horns nor tails nor wings here. Just an admittedly rather unintimidatingly built woman with a slight duskiness of skin, more from outdoor travel than inherited, and brilliantly green eyes. Her hair is of an awesomely bright, platinum blonde. Despite its unnatural shine, she maintains in the front of any comments to the commentary that it is wholly natural. Perhaps it is and is a bizzarre mark of her blood. Either way, she seems fond of it judging by the time spent in ensuring its wellbeing. High upon her outer left thigh is a small mark that looks like a tattoo but upon closer inspection, it has more the color of a birthmark. Plump pink lips smile often, a well practiced expression, and when she speaks, it is with the diction of one classically educated, maybe the boon which was asked of the demons by her ancestors was what had elevated her family. But even if she was noble, it wouldn't be hard to guess that they're a bit down on their luck, just by the fact that she was here.

OOCliness: Lightswise, reds are gruesomeness and gore and scat. Greens are multifarious and varied, with rp at the core but if it comes to it, a definite emphasis on men and a good dose of rougher stuff. Powerplay, sexual or not, and if it fits, something to do with her background are especially welcome!
Player:the tenth muse
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human