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Race: Horseling (magically created)
Height: 7'3"
Weight: A lot!
Build: Muscular
Gender: Herm

    Horselings are nothing new to the streets of Sinifar, and the clopping of hooves wouldn't be anything to draw anyone's attention from what they were doing. But still, there might be something a few might find slightly odd about this particular horseling.

    It's not really in her appearance, at least not that any can readily see. As equines are want to be, she's tall. Really tall, bumping the rafters at well over 7 feet tall. She seems mostly accustomed to her size, at least in that respect, and that people just as a matter of course don't make things big enough for her. Though, at times she forgets herself, a bit like a child might, and whens he does she often leaves the tops of doorways rather worse for wear. It also doesn't help that she often forgets, or doesn't even realize, just how strong she is! A moment of not paying attention could end with quite a bit of property damage, a common occurrence around this slightly odd horsey girl.  

    It's obvious to see just how strong the girl is. Though her entire body is covered in a short, soft coat of brown fur, it does little to hide the bulge of muscles that cover her wide frame. She may seem a bit of a brute to some, in the league of some orcs and ogres, but thankfully she doesn't seem to have their penchant of havoc. At least not intentionally. The huge girl's arms are thick with powerful muscle, ending in massive hands looking more than able to palm a grown man's head. Further down, her midsection is toned and thick. Her middle doesn't sweep in like what many would consider a 'classical' look of beauty, nor does she have chiseled abs like one obsessed with appearances. It's thick and powerful, offering the resistance one would expect of a stone wall.

    Her broad hips lead down to equally as massive thighs, the cords of muscles on display as they lead down to the hallmark of many horselings, those equine legs. Perhaps there's a lot of draft in the girl's blood. It would surely explain many things, her massive legs being one of them. Like tree-trunks, they have to be so thick to support the weight they carry around, seemingly with little effort. Anchoring the huge girl in place, those hooves are enormous. Sprouting from the shaggy fetlocks, those massive hooves look big enough to flatten an orc's head in one press, giving the girl's every step a deep, base thump to go along with the more traditional 'clop'.

     But there's more to every horseling than just brawn on display. Like many horselings, her face seems mostly human, a small nose and lush lips complementing the wide, inquisitive eyes. Across her cheeks, if one could get a close look at such a height, one might notice the light peppering of freckles, barely visible under the soft, downy fur that graces her face. Her ears, much more equine-like than human, sprout from the rather messy mane that servers as her hair. The trusses pulled back mostly, bound up into a long ponytail, a fitting style for a girl like her.

    And on first glance, girl would be the correct term. It doesn't seem right to use another term for her once one sees the huge mounds that rest upon her powerful chest. Those breasts are gigantic, massive globs of softness to contract the hard power of the rest of her body. Each one equally, if not more, massive as a human woman's entire chest. They're capped by massive, dark brown teats, as big around as doorknobs, resting atop broad, domed areola. The deep dark of her cleavage looks so vast, halflings could be hiding in there. She could likely smother a person with those mounds without even realizing it, should anyone find themselves so lucky.

    But feminine charms of such caliber are not the only thing to grace this horseling. As some might expect, resting below those massive mounds, the filly proves to be a formidable stallion as well. The space between those powerful thighs is taken up almost entirely by the huge sack she carries around with her. Two massive orbs, each like swollen melons, laced with veins that feed what could only be potent factories designed for producing an endless number of foals in receptive mares. One could almost hear those huge globes groan and strain slightly as vast quantities of equine sperm are produced, waiting to be released to fill any female with what is sure to be strong, healthy young.

    Resting just above those huge baby-makers, the wrinkled flesh of her sheath bulges outwards. The whole thing is of proportions one might expect smaller dragons to be found in, massive in a way that would give real mares pause. But even that isn't enough, for the girl's huge cocktip rests ontop of that bunched up flesh, too broad to pull back inside, it's constantly on display. The domed tip almost always slightly wet, seeping with the excess produced from her titanic balls. Should something catch the girl's eye, or tickle her nose, that massive tip would swell, growing outwards and upwards, till it crowned something more fitting in size to a man's leg. Veins the size of fingers would pulse and throb, fueling that beast as the wrinkled edge of that tip swells out into a huge, rigid flare. The whole thing longer than your average halfling, and nearly as thick. It seems fit for one purpose, to ensure the horsey girl's seed is deposited as deep as possible.

    With such massive masculine qualities, it's not surprising the huge thing has a scent about her. To most that manage to catch a whiff from a distance, it's nothing more than the scent of a horse in need of grooming. But closer to her, that scent becomes obvious. The thick musk of a stallion ready to stud. It can become intoxicating, for those susceptible to the raw, untamed nature of sexuality. It's perhaps more than any stallion should naturally have, or any horseling for that matter. Something magical, perhaps, broadcasting that this 'mare' is so potent, so virile, that those who attempt to be her mare for a night run the risk of carrying her foals.


Sofie wasn't born a horseling. She was made from a normal mare. And as such, she can't speak. She sort of understands some common, though how much is hard to judge. Simple things she might understand, but anything more than one or two words at a time are completely lost on her. Sometimes it looks as if she just ignores those around her and does whatever she wants, but it's simply because it's just all noise to her her. Yelling at her not to do something usually just ends up with her doing it anyway.

More to come later, when I'm not being lazy about it! ^_^
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Halfling