Bjorn Wulfson

Portrait Save
You see a tall, dark-skinned half-orc with a strong, muscular build that tell of years spent in austerity and the daily struggle to survive. Many small and larger scars are visible on his skin, and most prominent to spot is the small tattoo of a wolf on his right forearm.

His overall rugged, burly look is reinforced by his broad shoulders, that seem used to carrying heavy weights, be it for carrying a ward over a long distance to safety or prey back to camp - usually, it is just a pair of swords, a shield, an unstrung but sturdy looking long bow and a quiver full of arrows.

He carries himself with the calm and observant demeanour of a well-experienced hunter, studying the people of the city with his calm, deep amber eyes.

His dark brown, almost black hair appears to be untameable and yet is, just like the rest of him, always kept clean.

He has a calm, deep voice that seldomly sounds overtly threatening.

Clad in leathers and cloths that are more utilitarian than stylish, his appearance is clean yet not suited for classy establishments at all - he seems to prefer the calm surroundings of the wilderness to the usual trouble of the city, appearing to be home in both.

A certain alluring, animalistic scent seems to surround his presence. A hint of snow, danger and pine woods, and something else...

~~OOC Information~~
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Player is tell-friendly
Timezone: GMT+1
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Half-Orc