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Narrowed golden orbs gaze warily out from a pale face baring the trade mark strong jaw, large sharp nose, and high cheek bones of the wild Rashemi people only faintly softened by a hint of Mulan roundness characteristic of their conquerors. His expression is one of dark stoicism, naturally exemplified by his hard but noble features; a cold distance that gives him the aura of a detached killer. When he speaks it is with a deep baritone, words slow and carefully chosen, touched by a Thayan accent.

A towering alabaster pillar of a man he easily stands just between six feet and seven with a broad chest and shoulders that further marks his mostly barbarous ancestry; yet he is slightly more inclined to height than width. His arms and legs lengthy and with the knotted muscles of a natural swordsman, his torso rigid with prominent pectorals and rows of sharply defined square abs that lead down in a tapering triangle to his pelvis, to a thick shape easily discerned bulging against the tight leather of his pants.

His hair, like his skin, was of a pallid tone, like dirty ivory; and from it sprouted two smoothly curved black horns. The rest of him was naturally hairless and covered in tattoos of flowing dark patterns and script minutely written in Mulan and Infernal. His golden eyes glowed like small torches in the dark when he wished it, and the sum of all these features would give easy guess to this man's otherworldly origins.

For Lights:
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human