
Portrait Save
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Height: 5'10
Weight: Light
Body Shape: Hourglass
Body Type: Buxom
Bust: 34F
Hair Shape: Wavy. Well-groomed, but wild and messy-looking.
Hair Length: Lower-back length
Hair Color: Red
Skin Color: Peachy-porcelain
Iris Color: Bright green

Race: Spriggan
Sex: Hermaphrodite
Height: 5'10
Weight: Light
Body Shape: Hourglass
Body Type: Buxom
Bust: 34F
Hair Shape: Wavy. Well-groomed, but wild and messy-looking.
Hair Length: Lower-back length
Hair Color: Red
Skin Color: Pale green
Iris Color: Red

Overall, the tall young woman standing before you would be described as both very fit, and very curvy.  Her delicious body is wrapped up in a covering that appears to be made of leaves, and she keeps a fresh flower in her hair at all times.  She has a lovely face with scarlet hair, an aristocratic nose, full lips that form a subtle pout and bright, green eyes.  Her shoulders are narrow but well made, with generous muscle tone.  She has a rather impressive bustline for someone so fit, that would overspill even a large man's hand. It leads down into a narrow, toned waist and wide, curvy hips and a generous, round, muscular ass.  Her legs are very long and shapely, with thick thighs, and her calves are very well formed.  Those bright, green eyes of hers survey her surroundings carefully, but she usually regards those she meets with a smile.  Overall, the young woman seems absolutely flawless and intensely fuckable, almost eerily so.

Greens: Rape (giving/receiving), Large insertion, Tentacles, Anal/Oral/Vaginal, Any race/gender, Dominant or Sub depending on situation, Anything else not in reds.

Reds: Blood, Scat, Piss
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human