
Portrait Save
Over seven feet in height the towering figure before you would strike a strange picture indeed. Large stag horns atop an equally massive head, its face both handsome and noble yet tainted savage with feral teeth and warpaint. Long wild black hair is unkempt save a few braids strategically placed in the dark mane, adorned with polished stone fetishes of various animals and celestial symbols.

A body corded with tight muscles leads down long arms to hands tipped with bestial claws. His torso and shoulders are lightly furred and should one follow further down the square muscles of his abdomen they'd find the fur increasing until it finally came to full fruition in his shaggy powerfully built stag like legs. His sex would swing beneath tattered loin cloth, its equine shape and size easily silhouetted by the dirty green cloth, an oiled masculine musk seething from his thighs.

That wild stink would cover most of this strange creature, as would the smell of freshly fallen leaves, the earthy dew of wild mornings and ethereal dusks, the smell of life in its most natural and primal of settings.

Of course this was only when he choose to be seen as such, since he often seemed to prefer the shapes of various animals and on even rarer occasions; plants. Despite the change of shape the wild nobility would remain, often appearing as an exceeding dominant member of whatever beast he became its fur lined with the same fetishes that mark him in his humanoid form.

White: Roleplay! Ritual Sex, wilderness "taking", magical abduction (giving or receieving), magical binding or trickery (giving or receiving), "hunts" sexualized or not, fantastical impregnation, anything neo-pagan or "nature" magic, Being in rut, females in heat, feminine males that give off a feminine musk and "accidentally" get mounted. Transformation, anything creative.

Green: All genders, sexes, and races;  vanilla, ravishing, being the top. Bestiality as the dominant. Elves, druids, dryads, fey, that sort of thing. Being pet and cuddled when his animal forms are in the mood for it.

Yellows: Regimented BDSM, Torture, partners larger than Oreon, being the bottom. Bestiality as the submissive.

Reds: Masculine males in erp, Excessive torture or pain, anything macro/micro, heavy scat, short erp posts.

// Tell Friendly and really open to any ideas or suggestions. :)
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Half-Elf