Esteban Nesta Orlowsky

Throu a tell in me beak if thou shall deem me eyafkey. Bonn appetit!

1. Visual appearance:

a) True form:

A most peculiar individual, consisting of an avian headed humanoid and nobly official choice of clothing, such strange mix flavored with finest manners as well as polite, collected and really outgoing personality. Upon closer inspection one can easily note that his hands also posses an avian character to them, ending with sharp, pointy claws. Apart from that, those clawed palms move with utter precision, performing every motion most accurately. Rarely seen without his faithful pipe and a top-hat, the man carries himself with civilly reserved dose of curiosity towards entities and events he stumbles upon in this plane of existence.
Never heard to let out a mean word, nor his expression ever seen curved in a grimace of negativity towards others, the man is a perfect companion for those enjoying a clever conversation and able to look through his awkward visual appearance... and an occasional bird-like sound his beak might produce at times.

b) Human disguise:

Understanding that his outer looks might cause confusion and slight anxiety in some people, the man sometimes uses magic he's able to wield to disguise his true appearance behind an illusory mask of a handsome human male. Everything apart from normal, human face, hands, lack of pipe, top-hat and monocle remains the same as in his true form. True Sight, Mordenkainen Disjunction and eventual death will all reveal this entity's real visage.

2. Beyond the veil:

Truth be told, all the splendid personality described above is just an insidious masquerade, disguising this individual's real shenanigans. In fact, this man is a weird, pragmatic villain and an unsated fetishist, consumed by lust, craving for control over others, greed for power, mammon and whatever dark deeds his beaked head might contain. He will often attempt to kidnap women and drag them away with him for his pleasuring endeavors, and being a competent liar, illusionist, hypnotizer, chemist, telekinetist and worst of all, a highly skilled mind controller, he has many means of fulfilling his immoral goals even though he lacks the brutal, physical strength or nimble dexterity of thugs roaming the city streets.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human