
Gender: Male
Race: Flesh/steel construct
Age: Unknown
Skin: Where present, it's very pale.
Hair: Unknown
Eyes: Blue
Build: Large
Alignment: (85) Lawful (20) Evil

Always clad in full plate armor, helmet covering its face, there'd be little to go by this creature's actual physical appearance, other than in being quite on the large side- enough to tower over the average human or elf. Enough that the bicep area of that armor of his is larger than a puny elf's torso. The fact that the weapon he wields, often resting casually on his shoulder, could take two normal men to lift only further confirms there must be a good deal of muscle under that armor.

The creature's eyes, were one to look into the helmet's eye slits, do not transmit friendship nor contempt: only pride and determination. When he speaks, his voice reverberates under his helmet, making it sound metallic and dissonant.


These are the player's lights for this specific character. They aren't necessarily the character's lights, nor are they the same on my every character.

Whitelights: Tell-friendly! No, seriously, you wanna plot up a little bit of RP? Go ahead! Wanna comment or joke about what's happening IC? Sure! Normal and adventuring RP.

Greenlights: In ERP, females. Abduction, dueling (and demanding the female as his if he wins the fight), rape (giving), slavery (owning), impregnation.

Yellowlights: (Shemales, herms, futas and males in ERP)*. Anything with long-lasting effects, please ask. If you're unsure about something, please ask.

Redlights: The usual, game-banned stuff. Using the disrobe spell on this char (no, really: the armor's ICly -fused- to his skin and flesh, except for specific parts).

*= Although it's possible to get this character to consciously and willingly use them for sex, this is a yellow because the repercussions are likely to be redlighted by the partner. Please, send a tell if you'd like more info.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Half-Orc