Trey the Night Haunter

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What is the Darkness? It was a question he had asked himself with hate the first few times and with longing the last few minutes. He wanted to know more about it, he needed to know. This gift that had been bestowed upon him.... this curse.... It ate at him at times, gnawed on his memories and spit back out things he knew not to be true but at the same time it gave him so much more, strength, power, the ability to change his fate. He looked back at times on his past.... on all of it.... there was so much he despised about the person he once was, yet at times he longed to be that man again though he knew it could never be. His one saving grace was her, she knew him, she was part of him, she was the one link to his past, the last link the darkness craved to sever but the one length he refused to cut. The Darkness tortured him for this, his faith tortured him for this.... the shadows grew deeper, consuming and hungry..... how much longer could be hold them back?


Cold dead pale blue eyes, dark raven black hair, and a small smile upon his lips that always had you guessing as to what he might really be up to. Some would call him fair on the eyes if you were into a pretty boy. He was fair of skin and of a light yet mildly well muscled build. He was unassuming yet at the same time there was something... about him that always seemed a little off, perhaps in a good way, perhaps not.... there always seemed to be a shadow hanging over him though, like the light itself just did not like to venture to close to this individual.

He none the less seemed a fairly easy going type of man, He carried a simple talisman about his neck dedicated to the goddess of luck, Tymora.  He didn't carry much in the way of weapons, mostly a simple knife at his belt, perhaps one in his boot, yet the way he carried himself was with a degree of confidence that almost seemed like he had a great sword over one shoulder.

Greens - Many

Reds - Few

Yellows - Negotiable

Very tell friendly player. If interested the idea and concept for this character originates from the comic book "The Darkness".
Player:A Man In Black
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human