Emily Wendon

Summary: While genuine, her cheerful and friendly appearance could be said to be somewhat of a facade. Unfortunate events have led to a hard life with hard decisions. By now she has the abilities of a rogue, but it hasn't always been that way. Her skills were acquired through necessity and honed through survival. She was raised to be good natured, but will manipulate and backstab if the situation requires it.

Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Height: 5ft 10in

Build: Slim
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Grey-Blue
Skin: Pale Peach
Breasts: 34D

History: Born in a poor community, most of her childhood was spent helping around the family farm. Life was happy enough as she grew into her teenage years. Her troubles began with the death of her parents at the hands of orcish raiders. With nothing left of her home, the city has the only place
left to go. While not quite reduced to the level of a beggar, her life since then has largely been about doing what needs to be done to survive.

(OOC Notes)
I don't have a huge amount of RP experience.
Please don't be mean, but let me know how I can improve.

Green: Most things are fine. General flirting/sex requests don't need permission.
If you aren't sure just ask.

Yellow: Rape (sensical good RP only), Pregnancy (OOC approval)
Otherwise if it's controversial, ask OOC first.

Red: Gore, children, scat.
Nothing against the rules.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human