Aaliyah Gallyanlen

Towering in at an even six feet tall, her upper body being that of a slender yet muscular Drow with a modest pair of breasts with numerous intricate tattoos attempting to cover up her numerous scars..  Her features are both seductive and feral with two pairs of pale red almond shaped eyes stacked one above the other , a pair of enlarged canines softly protrude from her sensual lips causing her to have an almost undetectable impediment to her speech with the added effect of causing her to drool faintly when overexcited.

She keeps her hair long and messily swept back out of her face and typically dyed in some shade of violet.  Completing her terrifying appearance is the lower body of a large butted black widow complete with a faint hourglass on her underside. Choosing to dress only her torso in a functional well worn shirt the sleeves of which have long since been torn off to allow her ease of movement when scaling

Lights!, If anything you like is not listed let me know and we will go from there! Promise not to bite.....Okay maybe just not inject any venom.....maybe..

RP!, Being Enslaved and being treated as either  furniture, pet, servant, other?, Risk of or outright Impregnation, Groups , Forced Breeding (basically being studded out), Over Breeding, mild torture and bondage, Cum Play, More scars have to be RP'd, Can't think of anymore atm
Women, Demons, Other Monsters,
Toilet play, Death, Hermaphrodites, The other usuals....
Player:Leroy of the Black robes
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Uknown